AI Governance
Opening up AI opportunities with major global brands.
Build a market-first cross-practice legal solution for AI to meet growing client demand for legal advice and reassurance.
Develop a compelling proposition, services framework and commercial insight grounded in client needs – meeting them where they are on AI.
Workshopped the proposition and services framework with clients and stakeholders. With focussed interviews and testing we developed a message that works for clients at all stages of AI adoption, and reached consensus on key ideas without diluting the message.
Formalised DLA Piper’s cross-practice AI solution with a proposition and three-part services framework designed to tap into urgent client questions – moving from “can we?” to “we can”.
Created a data-backed campaign packed with commercial insight to help clients cut through AI hype and hysteria. A dynamic report enabled clients to navigate know-how, commentary and advice.
Developed sales enablement tools to help partners outside the core AI group to engage with the campaign and unlock client relationships. Conversation guides, sector dashboards, country data packs and social media templates were provided as part of the campaign launch.
The line between order and chaos is where the greatest value is generated. Clients are walking this line as they create, adopt and integrate AI into their businesses.
Their ultimate goal is to realise the commercial value of AI in line with ethical values. But to many this feels like a binary choice, and how to deploy AI safely, responsibly and commercially is uncertain.
AI adoption needn’t come at any cost. Nor should knee-jerk compliance inhibit AI innovation and competitive advantage.
DLA Piper helps clients achieve a balanced, governance-enabled approach. Their technical and operational knowledge of AI has seen them advise on landmark AI projects for the tech world’s top brands. And the firm’s leadership role in shaping emerging AI regulation globally gives them the inside track on regulatory trends.
Bigger: Set a new standard for marketing campaigns – a blueprint for future projects. Equipped teams to have client conversations with unprecedented levels of client engagement. The campaign has opened the door to major global brands, with DLA Piper being asked to present on AI challenges and provide client training for in-house legal teams.
Better: Clear go-to-market framework to accommodate both immediate risk and bigger picture future-proofing. BALANCE advisory model to give clients practical, specific advice tailored to their particular challenges.
Faster: Distilled DLA Piper’s capabilities and strengths quickly and aligned a large and diverse stakeholder group on a distinctive direction.
Miriam Lynch, Head of Marketing and Business Development, IP & Technology, DLA Piper